Book Creator

Life in the Quarantine

by 3.A RUJ

Pages 2 and 3 of 22

Life in the Quarantine
At the beginning of March, the coronavirus appeared.
Everything closed, so did the schools. 
It's been three months.
The situation has finally started to improve. 
During the time the school was closed, we had a lot of time.
From the beginning, we were all afraid of what would happen.
Mankind has learned how to survive in times of crisis.
I believe that if this situation occurs again, we will be able to deal with it.
Everyone will take something from this situation and learn something.
We had to get used to wearing a mask. We couldn't go anywhere.
But everything bad is good for something.
Because many factories were not in operation, the air improved greatly.
Not only nature, but we could also relax. Because we had time, we could spend it with our family.
We could learn new things and we could also pursue our hobbies. Now that the situation is improving, stores are starting to open up.
Hi everyone, the last three months have been very difficult. An evil virus was spreading in China, it came to us in Europe and later hit the whole world. In the Czech Republic, it happened in such a way that we were given certain restrictions. For example: all schools were closed, most companies suspended and we had to wear surgical masks.

The virus also had bad consequences. Some people have died, and some people have to find a new job. The economy is declining worldwide.

But if we look at it from a different angle, we find that the environment has improved. The downturn is necessary for passenger ships, because no one likes staying in a quarantine at sea for several weeks.

The fact that we had to stay at home also has its bright side. We discovered new things, were at home with our family and enjoyed our time together.
We will certainly improve a lot of things in the future so that similar situations do not catch us unprepared again.

Kryštof Indrych

The coronavirus came suddenly. Thousands of people have died because of the virus and many people have lost their jobs. but how did it really affect us?

I don't know about the others but I can say for myself, that it didn't affect me in any way. In fact, the opposite, I no longer have to get up at 6 o'clock every day and spend the most of the day at school. Finally, I can plan the day according to myself and determine when and what I want to do. Among other things, I learned new things, such as how to bake or cook, I also started riding a bike. Under normal circumstances I would not have time for these activities at all. I am glad that I have the opportunity to try what it's like to do things my way. 

On the other hand, it was hard not to see my friends for a month and a half and read drastic articles about people dying of the virus.
And how do I see the future? 
I don't think anything will really change. People will pay more attention to hygiene. But by the time the virus disappears, people´s fears will have gone.
So, hello to
who reads my pages!
SARS-CoV-2 Anička's confession
My name is xxx🐱‍👤 and I have lived near Prostějov all my life. When I was 15, I started studying at the Business Academy in Prostějov🏨.I got without a problem until the third year, where unfortunately there was a problem 3 months ago, which has lasted until now and we do not know when it will end.

SARS-CoV-2 alias Covid-19 aka Coronavirus came to the Czech Republic. 😲😣☠

When a couple were infected, they told us we didn't have to go to the school next day. We were really, really happy.🤩 We dropped the tests and hoped, it would be holidays. We thought it would be for 2-3 weeks, so we left all things at school.
Strict measures were taken.