Book Creator

Burger Problems

by Audrey

Pages 4 and 5 of 16

Colored meat.
Ew black meat is disgusting. Is that black meat burning ?!? Well I hope not. Nobody wants unfresh burgers that are burnt from a burger stand. , here's how to get rid of black meat burgers or not even have them in the first place. Tip number one is always have somebody watching the grill. They'll help with no more accidental overcooked burnt gross burgers. Tip number two is to make sure that the there's no smoke coming from the grill that'll keep safe. Know the amount of time before it would even turn into black meat or even brown meat. Don't worry brown meat is fine, but black meat and pink meat is not fine. Pink meat is how it comes when you don't cook it, so make sure there's no pink in the middle or on the outside. If you want some of that great brown meat, make sure that you follow those tips so that you can have perfect quality meat. Never give up if there is something wrong with meat because everybody has problems with them. Black meat is like the grossest driveway ever and it even sounds like a crunchy driveway. Fine if your meat is a little black but if it's all black meat or mostly black meat it's not good and you should probably throw it away.
Pink meat means a burger is uncooked.

Uncooked Burgers have e-coli. E-coli in germs from uncooked burgers that can make you sick. If you touch an uncooked burger meat and don't wash your hands and touch other food that's cross contamination. Brown meat is fine to touch because it does not have ecoli. Ecoli is only in uncooked burger, uncooked burgers are pink. To avoid ecoli, wash your hands immediately after touching pink meet then you'll be fine. Do not mix raw meat with meat that is cooked or else the meat that is cooked will have ecoli.

Cross-contamination can occur on all food.
And Raw burgers are not good because they can make you sick sicker than a lot of black meat!
Pink meat is gross! Pink, pink, pink meat is even grosser.
The Raw burgers are bad for you because they can contain things that could make you sick looting things that the grill could burn away like their couldn't chemicals in it from the place you bought it from if you got it from like a grocery store if they were trying to clean the surface and they forgot to wipe it off with a towel or put paper underneath there might be some E coli on it also. So make sure there's not pink meat on the inside of the burgers because that still can make you sick.