Book Creator

How to use TarHeelReader?

by Marija Crnković

Pages 2 and 3 of 9

How to use TarHeelReader website?
If you want to create a new book, click here. Log in!
Type the keyword you need and search an appropriate picture to add.
Or upload picture you have on your device already.
Choose the language!
Think about title and write it here.
If you need additional explanation, just click on this ?.
After you done with adding pictures (1 picture is for 1 page - you need to have at least 3 pictures/pages), click on one of them to edit text.
Click here to add some text.
Then click "next" to go to another page and add text too.

If you want to add more informations about your book, click here!
Save book as draft to edit it some more or publish it (you can edit it later also or delete it if you want).
Check this box.
Here you can make some more editing - individualize it for your student!
When you are finished, click done. You can read book online (it is saved under "YOUR BOOKS") or you can download it.
This button will move you to this main page. From here you can find a book, make a collection, select some favourites, read or make a new book.
When you read some book and you like ti, select this heart and it will be saved under you favourites.
Here you can:
- select the voice
- play with colors of page and text