Book Creator


by Ghada Hassan

Pages 2 and 3 of 6

Your Journey to the MIEE
Your Guide throughout the whole journey
About the program
Are you an educator (an educator can be a classroom teacher, a school leader a professional learning specialist/trainer, an instructional aide, a curriculum specialist, or anyone who impacts teaching and learning in their role) striving to find new ways to engage your students? If you’d like to connect with a global, professional learning community of other educators just like yourself who are constantly pushing the boundaries of what a classroom looks and feels like, we would love to have you as a part of our Microsoft Innovative Expert community!
How to join the Program
Nominations are only open once each year. Once you've planned out your responses, nominate yourself here between May 9 and June 26, 2023.

1- Be sure that you have joined Microsoft Learn and created your profile. You'll be asked to share the URL to your achievements in Learn ( > Profile picture > Profile > Achievements) by copying it and pasting it into the nomination form.
2-Be sure to complete these three learning paths
- Microsoft Educator academy
- Master Microsoft Teams for any learning environment
- 21st century learning design
3-To prepare for the self-nominations, you'll want to start collecting evidence and working through the questions linked below to plan your nomination. MIEEs are expected to use at least two of our core tools on a regular basis (Teams, OneNote, Forms, Minecraft Education, Flip), and are expected to understand and demonstrate how our suite of solutions supports teaching and learning.

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