Book Creator

Year 6

by Nicola Sutlow

Pages 2 and 3 of 7

Welcome to Year 6
Welcome Message
What to expect in Year 6
Year 6 will be your final year in primary school and it will be your opportunity to show how much you have grown in your time at Denton West End.
In Year 6, our lessons will build upon the learning and knowledge that you have acquired in Year 5. The work we will do will be challenging and fun (so bring your growth mind-set!).
As the oldest children in the school, you will need to set a good example for the younger children, both in terms of work and behaviour.

As a Year 6 pupil, you will be given extra responsibilities and roles to carry out around school. These roles will help you to demonstrate independence, dedication and maturity. These roles include:
· Office Helper
· Infant Play Leader
· Hall Monitor
· Library Monitor

Every child has an area of responsibility and this will change termly.
In Year 6, we will help to prepare you for moving on to secondary school. We do this through projects such as:
· Shakespeare Workshop
· Mini-Industry
· End of Year Production
· Outdoor Elements
· Safe Squad
Safe Squad
During the Safe Squad visit, you will take part in workshops which will cover 3 areas of safety:
· Digital Safety
· Personal Safety
· Community Safety
This is an important year as you will be taking your end of KS2 tests, which will include GaPS, Mathematics and Reading. We will also assess your writing throughout the year. You may find some of the work challenging. However, we ask you to use your growth mind-sets and to always try your best!
Stockport Air Raid Shelter
Macbeth Workshop
Outdoor Elements
Safe Squad