Book Creator

Discovering New Friends and New Adventures Storybook

by Tiziana Cammarano

Pages 2 and 3 of 114

teacher Alba
class 4
teacher Tiziana
class 4A Lovadina
Once upon a time, there was a child in the wood called John.
He got lost in a rainy dark night. He was tired and hungry.
He was very tired because he was walking around 10 hours so he fell asleep under a tree.
When he got up he was in a small room. He was wearing a blue jacket and jeans.
He heard sounds and suddenly a wizard opened the door. He was called Mr Ruffos and he was wearing a purple long tunic and a big hat. Mr Ruffos welcomed John to the 
“Esclavas haunted school”.
Mr Ruffos told John that the school was haunted with ghosts but the most dangerous was a little girl named Mary.
She wandered around the classrooms and she appeared only at night with the full moon.
The wizard told the boy that in the past the school was attended by a lot of young students but over the years they disappeared! 
One night Mr Ruffos and John decided to search the school to find clues. When they arrived in class 5B John noticed that next to the teacher desk there was a trap-door. It was closed! He called Mr Ruffos and thanks to his trick they opened it, but suddenly they found themselves in a tunnel.
Mr Ruffos immediately understood that it was the students’ prison!!!
Mr Ruffos and John decided to investigate the tunnel and discover what happened there.
They went down to the prison and walked through the tunnels and suddenly they found a special door.
Mr Ruffos opened the door and they found out a small house with a kitchen, bathroom and a bedroom. So they understood that it was Mary’s house, but they didn’t find her.
They continued to investigate until they found the prison and saw the students but they were old people. Finally, Mr Ruffos and John decided to free all the people. 
teacher Tiziana
class 4A Lovadina
teacher Alba
class 4
It’s summer and it’s warm.
Mattia, Alessandro and Daniel pack their bags before the flight.
The plane leaves to Paris at 6:50 a.m.
This morning they get up early, they have breakfast and go to the airport at 4.30 a.m.
They go to Paris to buy baguette and to visit the city.
After some days they go to Spain to visit Valencia, to eat paella and to meet their pen-friends!
Mattia, Alessandro and Daniel are best friends. They are young, friendly and funny boys.
They love travelling together, eating traditional food and having fun experiences!
In Valencia, they visit the Cathedral, the Serrano Towers, Science Museum, Turia River.
They walk around the city during hours and discover the city.
Finally, Mattia, Alessandro and Daniel want to meet with their pen-friends in the Mestalla stadium. They are waiting for hours but nobody appears.
So, they look for their pen-friends around the city but they don’t find any pen-friends because the city is big.
Suddenly, at 7 o’clock p.m it starts to rain so they decide to go to the hotel and have dinner at quarter to eight p.m. then they talk about what they are doing tomorrow in the morning.
Finally, at half past ten p.m they go to bed.