Book Creator

The Southern Colonies

by Maddie G


Southern Colony
Where English people are!
Maddie G.
Reason for founding
Maryland: To provide a safe place for Catholics to stay!
Virginia: To make an English colony for England!
The Carolinas: Where people go to make money and become rich!
Georgia: A place where people go to protect The Carolinas, Virginia, and Maryland!
Mild winters so you can do more in the winter!
Hot, long summers so you can enjoy the sun!
Long growing seasons so you can make money and not be hungry!
Indigo is the color royalty wears! Dye your clothes
with it and sell it for lots of money!
Farm tobacco! Lots of people get addicted to it and buy more!
Another thing about our colony!
In Virginia, there is the first successful English colony, Jamestown!
John Smith helped Jamestown get successful!
Comparing Colonies
New England Colony have short growing seasons which means you might run out of food!
Middle colony have cold winters which can give you a cold!
Southern colony have mild winters and long growing seasons so you will be set if you come to the southern colony!