Book Creator

SnaG Gaelic Stories Competition

by G McCrossan

Pages 2 and 3 of 12

create a simple version of a traditional story for gaelic learners
This is an opportunity to write a simple version of a traditional story in Gaelic and create original artwork to illustrate it. The competition is open to all pupils in primary and secondary school. Entries which meet the success criteria will be shared with schools as an e-library to help others learn Gaelic. Gaelic books will also be awarded as prizes.

The aim is to create a collection of traditional stories which are accessible to Gaelic learners. Therefore, the most important criteria for success is to make your story as simple as possible to understand. You can test this by reading your story to someone who only has beagan Gàidhlig.

Some handy tips: To make the story accessible to beginners try using the present tense where possible. Only use simple adjectives. Try using language which can be seen in the illustrations to help the reader make connections.
recommended stories
The following stories have been chosen because they contain many simple repetitive phrases:
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
The Three Little Pigs
Red Riding Hood
The Giant Turnip
The Little Red Hen
Billy Goats Gruff

You can also choose a modern classic:
The Hungry Caterpillar
Brown bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?
Dear Zoo

Or you might prefer a traditional Scottish tale, for example, a Selkie or Kelpie story.

This list is not exhaustive but you should choose a well known story which has a simple storyline and lots of repetition.