Book Creator

Hero’s Journey

by Elizabeth

Pages 2 and 3 of 25

Isolated Island
Elizabeth Zhao
A long time ago, there was a little island surrounded by the Pacific Ocean. Life was calm and peaceful, everyday was fulfilled with happiness.
When spring arrives, the island reawakens. Plants extended their bodies while buds bloom. Bright-eyed birds soar and chicks tweet. Children filled the island with laughter and joy. Summer is the season full of passion. Adults avoid the humid weather, when youngsters release energy in the cool sea waters. The sand gets a tan and becomes “hot”. Lofty coconut trees begin to adorn themselves with accessories. Autumn is when things start to cool down. The soft breeze sweeps across joyful faces in the air. While the ocean having a good mood. Winter never gets too cold and is always the time to get a cup of warm coconut juice. The warm drink would flow down one’s throat and warm his/her whole body like a heating pad.
But one day, everything was ruined and all the harmonious perished. This was caused by the wicked Sea Demon that came out from no where. He said that one day, the island will be flooded and nobody will survive unless he gets a loving wife every year. Therefore, the island formed a tradition that every year when spring arrives, a 14-year old girl would be sent to the Demon as a bride. Locals would host a big ceremony to pray for peace and seek protection from the Demon.
Camellia is an ordinary child that lives in a orphanage on the island. But orphans did not have an easy life. They did not get much food and often abused. If someone made a mistake, she/he would be sent to the dungeon and get beaten up.
Camellia is turning 14 next week which happens to be the week of the celebration. In order to break the curse, someone must retrieve the crystal ball. However, after all these years, no one ever attempted to reach the ball. Camellia feared failing but wanted success. Questions flattered around her tiny mind: Can I find the Sea Demon? Even if I find him will I be able to get the crystal ball? What if I failed? Will I get killed? She struggled to make her decisions. Then she thought to herself, but if I stayed in this stupid orphanage for the rest of my life, my existence would be boring and non-meaning full. Meanwhile, all the hope was on her and she was determined to make a difference.
All night long, it was down pouring. Wind roared and furiously banged on windows beside Camellia. She gazed out the window seeing nothing but the harsh weather. She was certain that she would be the first to take risk.
The moment when the sun woke up, Camellia crept out and scuttled towards the water. While she approached the shoreline, she realized that she did not have the ability to breathe under water. When Camellia was just about to give up, a humongous starfish appeared.
“Hello, my friend. Do you need some help to travel in this dense salt water?”

“Do you really think that you can help me?” Camellia Questioned.

“Of course, my dear!” The starfish replied, as he used his tubed feet and magically created a path in the water.
