Book Creator

Our Common Books about Ecosystems in Europe

by eTwinners "Save Europe, Save the Earth"

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eTwinning Project "Save Europe, Save the Earth"
PARTNER SCHOOLS: Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Romania, Spain, Turkey
eTwinning Project "Save Europe, save the Earth"
This ebook is the result of the combined efforts of students from Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Romania, Spain, Turkey.
We wanted to increase our students awareness of the main features of six ecosytems throughout Europe: artificial, desert, forest, fresh water, marine, tundra. Our students in 6 transnational teams took part in chat sessions and together, they discussed about the presence of each ecosystem in their country and shared the common or the different features of each ecosystem located in different European regions. Then they used shared Google presentations to write six common books about the flora and the fauna of each ecosystem and finally collected them in this ebook.