Book Creator

Angel's Coming

by Noaf Al Najdawi

Pages 2 and 3 of 10

By: Noaf Al Najdawi
A Christmas night
Once upon a time, in a village far, far away, lived an old, thoughtful grandma known as Elizabeth with her small yet fierce niece called Angel.

Both Elizabeth and Angel were preparing for the annual gingerbread village baking contest, and the winner gets rewarded with a 10,000 dollar cash prize. Both Elizabeth and Angel were amused by this idea because they were financially suffering with food and other daily needs. Elizabeth and Angel kept on baking and baking all evening, till 12:00.

"Hurry up now!"Get to bed, tomorrow is going to be a tough day." exclaimed Elizabeth. "Yes, yes! "Grandma just a sec. "replied Angel, fascinated by the mesmerizing small gingerbread village. "Oh how I wish this tempting master piece was real." said Angel to herself before going to bed. And, by that time, a shooting star happened to be passing by their house.
The magical incident
"One beautiful early morning, the sun is shining, birds are singing, and... and the annual baking gingerbread competition is in 2 hours!." So Elizabeth hurriedly went downstairs to check every MINOR detail. To the shock of her life, she screamed, and screamed till the whole neighbourhood could hear her. So Elizabeth went down stairs in a fright and claimed "What the heaves angel?, What happened?" The gingerbread farmer just moved the wheel barrow with his own bare hands. I saw it! " said Angel. And at that moment, the gingerbread farmer smiled awkwardly at Elizabeth. "My goodness, h-how h-how are you moving?" said Elizabeth. "Well, your niece here happened to wish just as a shooting star appeared, I believe," the gingerbread farmer replied. Angel looked at the clock once again and said, "Oh! It is almost time for the show. For that reason, Elizabeth and Angel carried the small gingerbread village. However, the gingerbread farmer exclaimed, "Hold on a second, what's in it for me?" If I made you win the contest, "Well, hopefully after the contest we can let you, your family, and your village be free." replied Angel. Thereupon, the farmer agreed to this delightful deal.
Choosing time!
Once Elizabeth, Angel, and the magical gingerbread village arrived, including the farmer, you could hear her gasp of astonishment and shocked faces every step they went.
"Competitors, please come to the selection stand. You will have 5 minutes or else you will be disqualified. " So said the judge. "Hurry! "Hurry! Grandma," exclaimed Angel. "Yes, yes, we are almost there," replied Elizabeth. Finally, they arrived and placed their creation on the stand. After a close look at all the pieces, the judge took votes and the winner was... Elizabeth & Angel. When they heard the judge say their names, they enthusiastically and excitedly thought that they were going to fly. It turned out that the gingerbread farmer added a magical potion to make it breath-taking and vainglorious.
(Elizabeth & Angel)
Happily ever after
Following that day, the gingerbread farmer and his family were set free, and Elizabeth and Angel went on to live the life they had always wanted. They all went on to live happy, long lives.
Color the gingerbread house.