Book Creator

How to Write a Children's Book

by Cassandra Loftin

Pages 6 and 7 of 11

Elements of a Good Story:
-Children love books about animals, humans, or something imaginary.
-Strong Characters.
-Illustrations (pick pictures that go along with your specific scene for that specific page.)
-Simple Story
-Doesn't have to rhyme, but kids do remember your book easier if it rhymes and will want to read it more often because of the flow.
*Children are drawn to a good story which has humour and plenty of action, so keep your chapters short, use cliffhangers and keep the pace relevant to the action. Don't include too much information on one page if your audience is geared towards younger children.
What is the Layout for a Children's Book?
Layout is the act of selecting what words (your story) and what illustrations (your pictures) will go on each page of the children's book. If your audience is for the younger children, this is especially important, since they base their understanding off of the pictures. Your pictures should align with what your specific page is about.