Book Creator

Our Van Gogh

by first class of high school

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My Vincent Van Gogh
  Vincent Van Gogh is considered by many to be one of the best painters of its time. He was born on March 30, 1853 in Zundert, Holland, and even though he had little success during his lifetime, his paintings are now sold into auctions for millions of dollars. Undoubtedly, he was a really talented painter and he managed to paint more than 100 paintings in just 10 years. However, what impressed me the most about him was the fact that even though he was a mental ill person, suffering from depression, he still continued to paint, capturing the world from his own point of view, while other people wouldn't even have the energy to get out of the bed . In my eyes, he is overall a very sensitive and strong person and I wish that more people will appreciate and realize how great his art is.

Katerina N.
Van Gogh & Dr Gachet:

G: - What are you doing Vincent?
V: - I am painting your portrait. Now stand still!
G: - Why would you paint me? I am just an old and wrinkly man, you should be painting other people,
younger and more beautiful.
V: - Well I want to paint you. Will you stand still please, I am almost finished.
G: - You are an odd man Vincent.
V: - And that’s why I am here with you.

Katerina F.