Book Creator

A Symphony of Heartbreak

by Ahjeiza Adrian

Pages 2 and 3 of 37

A Symphony of Heartbreak

by Ahjeiza Adrian
The Author
She writes her tall-tales
with her skin as a canvas
and her blood as ink
When I was young,
I thought that the stars
in the sky were
made just for me
and the sun and the moon
were my heralds.
I believed that every blade
of grass bore my
name and every
dust particle was my army.
I was so sure that the universe
was created just for me.
Until 3rd grade.
The first time I was told
That I was ugly.
And annoying.
And that I have no
Nobody likes me.
I'm a burden.
I should disappear.
...I listened.
Found out that
I could put on a mask and
hide how I felt from
Missing Piece
When I was young,
I thought that the stars
in the sky were
made just for me
and the sun and the moon
were my heralds.
I believed that every blade
of grass bore my
name and every
dust particle was my army.
I was so sure that the universe
was created just for me.
Until 3rd grade.
The first time I was told
That I was ugly.
And annoying.
And that I have no
Nobody likes me.
I'm a burden.
I should disappear.
...I listened.
Found out that
I could put on a mask and
hide how I felt from
Acted like I didn't care
about what they said
and how their words actually
hurt me down 
to my
I forgot that the
sun, moon and stars
belonged to me.
I forgot that I had 
an army to
protect me.
I forgot that 
every blade of
grass bore my name.
And for a while...
I forgot that 
The universe was made
just for me.
It was mine.
I lost a piece of
when I forgot 
who I really am.
I tried to pull out
pieces of myself and
turn it into something
you would understand.
Turn myself into
that Rubik's cube so
you'd have a chance of
figuring me out.
Or maybe break myself
into puzzle pieces
so you could piece
together things that
weren't broken shards
of me, but rather
pieces meant to be
put together, not put
back together.
I took my multicolored self
and tried to turn it into
just one color
so that it wasn't so
difficult to see.
Because people want simplicity,
not kaleidoscopes of wonders
whose complexity is too
much work to
try to understand.
I was one of those kaleidoscopes
that you chose not
to even attempt
to comprehend.
But my Rubik's cube
was still too complicated.
My kaleidoscope wasn't
pretty enough;
or maybe rather, too pretty
to understand.
You never wanted to
even try.
I'm just too complicated.
You Asked Me
You asked me
to paint your name
among the stars.
You asked me
to tell your story
to the waters.
You asked me
to throw your 
tall tales to
the winds.
You asked me
to list the
reasons I loved
You asked me
You asked me
You asked me
to love you.
You asked me
to fix you.
You asked me
to never leave.
You asked me
to get lost in you.
And I did.
I was.
But you didn’t.
You asked me
and so I gave you.
I asked once
and yet
you never gave.
You asked me
to marry you.
And I had to say
You asked me
But you already
You asked me--
But sometimes,
I couldn't answer.
For a time
I was afraid
to be kind.
To just let the
walls in my eyes
come down
even for a moment
and tell someone
that they were
But instead I was
forced to hide behind
this mask of cruelty.
Cutting people down
with Samael's scythe
that I had asked to borrow
for a time so that
I could learn to
be wicked
like the brutes
I was forced to call
so that I wouldn’t be cast
out, banished from the 
Round table of savagery.
I had
gotten so used to the
that I didn't know
how to live in the light anymore.
I was afraid.
What Could Have Been
For a long time after
I sat and stared out
the window.
I sat at the foot of my bed
and contemplated things.
I wondered about
what happened and
what could have happened.
If things could have been
I sat in the chair in the corner
and wrote about everything
that went down.
I wrote every possible
outcome that could
have happened if
the circumstances had
been different.
I sat on the couch
and wrote every future
that could have been
had things gone in
another direction.
What I might have
done if I'd known
what was going to happen.
I'll never know, of course.
But that never stops me
from sitting and wondering
what could have been.
Hands shaking violently
Can barely type
Eyes blinking hard
Don't cry
Biting my tongue
Won't scream
Breathing is shaky
Can't breathe
Body is shuddering
Unable to think
It's attacking me
It won't stop
How can I make it stop?
Make it stop