Book Creator

Bacteria, Viruses and Antibiotics

by Jimena H

Pages 4 and 5 of 17

Questions and Answers
What is phage therapy?
Phage therapy is a method that uses bacterial viruses, or phages, to treat bacterial infections. Phages are a type of virus that invade bacteria (bacteriophage). After it invades the bacteria it makes replicas of itself to spread. 
What is the immune system?
The immune system prevents and/or limits infection. The immune system is a group of organs, white blood cells, proteins ,etc that work together to protect you from viruses, bacteria, fungi and more microorganisms that can make you sick. 
What do you know about fecal transplants?
fecal transplants are when someone donates gut bacteria from their feces to another person that needs good bacteria in their gut. That's one thing I know about fecal transplants.
How do bacteria and antibiotics connect to fecal transplants?
Well antibiotics sometimes cause fecal transplants because when you take a lot of antibiotics they can get rid of good bacteria that you need in your gut. So then you'll have to get a fecal transplant to get the bacteria you need. Bacteria are the cause of why you need the fecal transplants because that's what you're missing and a fecal transplant is going to give the bacteria you need.
What is the difference between bacteria and viruses?
Scientists differ on whether viruses are alive or not, but we 100% know that bacteria are. Bacteria are single celled microorganisms and bacteria are very adaptable but need different things to survive (depending on where they live), but they all need nutrients to grow and make copies of themselves. On the other hand, viruses need a host (another living organism) to get them everything they need.
Bacteria Vocabulary
1. Cell wall: Protection Border

2. Ribosomes: Creates Proteins

3. Flagella: The bacterias tail that helps them move

4. DNA: Genetic Material

5. Cell Membrane: Lets things go ot and in of the bacteria