Book Creator

STEM reading

by NextGen Education

Pages 2 and 3 of 37

Do you think that there is life in space? I think so because there are a lot of stars, and there are galaxies and planets that haven’t been discovered. I think that there is life in space. In class I learned that astronomers have found there are signs of life on Venus. Even though it’s very hard to believe in the toxic atmosphere there are signs of life, Venus is just one example. That is the only planet that has had a sign of life, but there are millions beyond millions of stars in the universe, so there is a big possibility there is life in space.
Do you think that there is life in space? I think so because there are a lot of stars, and there are galaxies and planets that haven’t been discovered. I think that there is life in space. In class I learned that astronomers have found there are signs of life on Venus. Even though it’s very hard to believe in the toxic atmosphere there are signs of life, Venus is just one example. That is the only planet that has had a sign of life, but there are millions beyond millions of stars in the universe, so there is a big possibility there is life in space.
Do you know what climate change is? What effects do you think it might have on the plant? Climate change always has many bad effects. Why did this happen? Well, human activity is one of the many reasons that scientists have discovered to be a main cause for climate change. Which all of a sudden seems to be on a much faster scale than a few years ago. Climate change is the phenomenon that happens due to the temperature of the whole world being way too high. There is a main reason to explain this phenomenon. It is a population explosion. Humans are also incinerating fossil fuels, like petroleum and coal. Or destroying a forest and even burning it down in some cases. This makes a lot of carbon dioxide, and it will mean higher temperatures. This phenomenon is
called the greenhouse effect. When it continually accumulates, there is an imbalance between the energy absorbed and emitted by the earth-atmosphere system, and the energy accumulates continuously in the earth-atmosphere system, which leads to the rise of temperature and the phenomenon of global warming.

We already know how bad climate change is at least at this moment, but how can we prevent it from happening in the future?
Governments around the world can let people plant trees and make forests to absorb much of the carbon dioxide. Also, using more electric cars like the Tesla will help. So even the climate change is destroying the Earth, we can start on ourselves to change it!
Governments around the world can let people plant trees and make forests to absorb much of the carbon dioxide. Also, using more electric cars like the Tesla will help. So even the climate change is destroying the Earth, we can start on ourselves to change it!
The earth is very small, and the space is very large. Do you think there will be life in space? If so, what will it look like? Do they look like humans or some animals?
I think there are other lives in space, because scientists believe that the universe is infinite, and there are infinite possibilities in infinite places. I think they are like a combination of humans and animals. Like a man with wings and tails. like a monkey with a tiger head. They may all exist.
Scientists say that there are hundreds of billions of galaxies in the universe, and scientists have also discovered 29 potentially living planets, which may also become human space colonies, but science and technology are not enough to get there now.