Book Creator

Quiet Town

by Sofia Tran (Student)

Pages 2 and 3 of 6

A first glance upon the small houses and you would awe. The small decorations and cute set up would make anyone smile. But within the fragile china was something... unsettling to say the least.
The earth shook the houses as the person walked by once more. It's eyes simply taking a glance at the neighborhood before continuing to walk. The houses were empty to him. Nothing in sight. But to others it was a ominous warning. One should know not to keep resting places in their houses.
The floor boards would creek and groan ever so often, as the small dog walked warily, tail between legs, shaking. It's golden eyes darted everywhere out of fear as it approached the stairs leading towards the dining area. The nicely kept house was terrifying to the small creature, as it padded quietly towards the kitchen which held it's food bowl, it heard it.
The shadows moved swiftly and swirled around the house, almost as if it was dancing. The dog moved its back to the end of the counter, it's ears flattening and teeth baring. The shadow's seemed to morph into a new entity entirely, the ragged,beaten down skull of a kitten seemed to float as it stared at the pup.
The jaw on the skull dropped, it's bones cracking and crumbling under it. It was time for a new one.
The human stood there, crying in it's hands as it's forearms laid on the island. It's child had died. Skull and head ripped away, leaving a bloody mess of muscle and fur behind. The loud sirens had echoed through out the larger neighborhood as they talked with the human.
It's case was tucked and locked away. Never to be released to public, for fear it might cause panic. Whilst the human opened another bottle of Tequila, the entity sat crouched. Staring at the human, it's claw like hand held up in front of the skull, clutching onto a torn ear one could assume was from an animal.
The floorboards groaned and shifted. But this time no dog was walking stiffly, in fear of being torn to bits and pieces. No. The claws made small scratching noises on the wood and the skull bobbed up and down. The shadows morphed behind it., moonlight casting on the entity making it's figure clearer.
The jaws of the pup opened and closed as the entity scraped off bits of the wall. The skull shifted and it vanished within the depths of plumbing and foundation.
Friends would appear soon, it must not wait any longer.

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