Book Creator

Everybody can fly high

by Aphrodite Gkiouris

Pages 2 and 3 of 53

A positive thinking storybook, by Aphrodite Gkiouri
BRAVERY: Here comes Superman!
He CAN fly in a magic way! He is STRONG and BRAVE to FLY high !

Superman CAN fly high!
He HAS no fear!
He IS strong and brave!
WILL: Here comes Mr. Elephant! He CAN fly because he is a HERO!
He doesn't mind his weight! He has the WILL to fly ....!

Mr. Elephant CAN fly high!
He HAS a plane.
He LIKES planes.
He IS a big hero!
HAPPINESS: Here comes Miss Fairy!
She CAN FLY high because she is HAPPY and happiness helps us FLY really high!

Miss Fairy CAN fly high!
She HAS a beautiful smile.
She LIKES her beautiful wings.
She IS happy!