Book Creator

Carbon Marvin

by Jason Tovar

Pages 4 and 5 of 11

Carbon Marvin
Written by Jason Tovar
Carbon Marvin loves science, he said it is the best!
Carbon Marvin studies science until he needs rest.
"Charges all have to add up!" he said with joy,
"Science makes me a very happy boy!"
Carbon Marvin went to the store for some candy,
"Yum! So many choices! I can't decide!"

I'm gonna buy the Gushers,
the juice is like a nucleus,
on the inside.
Carbon Marvin loved talking about science to his friends,
Carbon Marvin even began to set trends!

Everyone listened when Carbon Marvin spoke,
Carbon Marvin always had a funny science joke!
"Why can't you trust an atom?" said Carbon Marvin,
"because they make up everything!"

Carbon Marvin loved learning about the elements,
he studied and studied until it made sense!
"Why did the white bear swim in the water so well?"
"because it was a polar bear!"

Carbon Marvin loved going to school,
Marvin declared "the brain is the most powerful tool!"

Metals are awesome, like silver and gold!
"I could talk about science until I get old!"

Gases are cool too, like oxygen and helium!
"when I discover an element, I'll name it Marvinium!"
Carbon Marvin studied on his lawn,
then Carbon Marvin let out a big yawn.

Carbon Marvin knew it was time for bed,
so he stopped studying when he reached Lead.
Carbon Marvin had a great night of sleep,
"and another day of school!" Marvin cheered.

Marvin would mix up his jokes today,
only telling element jokes periodically.
Carbon Marvin told his friends all his jokes,
and Carbon Marvin did all his homework.

It was a good day for Marvin, he didn't complain,
"I'm so happy I have science in my brain!"