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How the Hedgehog got its spikes.

by Thomas

Pages 2 and 3 of 4

When the world began, as new habitats were formed, a fur ball- which we now call a Hedgehog- lived in the Woodlands, in a rotten Oak tree. Every day, he would just gather berries and resources to build his home. If any animal accused him of being small, furry or pathetic, he would simply reply with “Stop!” or, “Don’t be mean,”

One morning, as the crimson red sun rose into the royal blue sky, Hedgehog was venturing to find his next patch of Night lock. As he wandered past the pond, he spotted a speedy golden-brown fox. Sneakily, the fox, who had sharp, non-retractable claws and a ginger bushy tail, prowled over to Hedgehog. When the fox was within a metre of Hedgehog, he growled, “Hey, lil Hedge’og!”

Suddenly with a flick of his paw, the fox sent Hedgehog flying into a tree. 
“OOoooouuuuccchhhh!!!!!” squealed the Hedgehog as he lay, drenched in grotty pond water. “Don’t be mean,”
The next day, just as Hedgehog left his house, a small, grey badger with a black and white striped face was waiting for Hedgehog. “ooohhh, Hello Badg-“Within seconds, Hedgehog had been lifted up onto the Badger’s snout and flung up into a tree! “OOooouuuuccccchhhh!” squealed the Hedgehog, tumbling to the ground. “Stop!”
 It was Wednesday, morning, when Hedgehog heard a rustle in a bush just outside his house. Intrigued and curious, the fur ball meandered out of his den. As he ambled through the woods, he had a feeling that someone or something was watching him.
“BOOOOOO!” shouted a wolf -heather grey in colour with elongated streaks of jet black.

!” yelled Hedgehog. In fright he leapt forward. As he hurtled down a steep rock-strewn slope, the wolf lay there, at the top of the grassy ascent, hysterically laughing his head off!
“OOOOoooooouuuuuccccchhhhhhh!” squeaked the Hedgehog, as he lay in a thorn bush at the foot of the hill. A soaring pain rocketed through the Hedgehog’s body. “Why do u guys have to be so mean?"

As the spiky fur ball trampled up the mossy bank, he could see the all of the animals were waiting to send him down the incline again!
“On three, 1 ,2 ,3!” whispered the badger to the others.

After that, they all ran into the hedgehog. Simultaneously, they emitted a harrowing squeal in pain as the spikes entered their bodies. Blood seeping from their wounds, they all immediately apologize to Hedgehog.  

From then to now, Hedgehogs always have spikes to protect themselves from predators and to stay alive. Hedgehog has never forgotten about those three days...

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