Book Creator

Vigo Primary School Year R

by J Bray

Pages 8 and 9 of 37

Kate and Kyle spend their morning play, learning and making new friends. They both make new friends; Kate meets a new boy called Wiktor and Kyle meets a girl called Amy-Lou and a boy called Joe. When they play in the outside area Kate and Kyle see each other and have a quick play together on the climbing wall, then Kyle sees the bikes and Kate sees Sam building a castle in the sand pit – that looks fun so she goes and helps.  
Soon it’s time for lunch.
‘Let’s go and wash our hands before we eat,’ say their teachers. ‘Does anyone need the toilet?’ they ask.
‘Don’t forget to wash your hands afterwards,’ Mr Edgington reminds them all.

They all eat lunch in the hall. Some children like Kyle have school dinners, other, like Kate, have brought lunchboxes. Their teachers and the dinner ladies show the children where to sit and how to collect their lunch.  