Book Creator

Vigo Primary School Year R

by J Bray

Pages 2 and 3 of 37

Kate and Kyle's first day at Vigo Primary School
We can't wait to meet you
from all your new teachers
There were once 90 children who lived in a town called Andover. One sunny morning in April an email arrived with a ping in their parents in-box. Everyone was excited, which school would they be going to?
Each email was opened with a click.
‘Vigo Primary School’ the email read. And so the journey began…
September arrives quickly and before they can say ‘mummy where’s my school jumper?’ it is time for Kate and Kyle to start school.

On their first day Kate and Kyle feel happy and excited, but a little scared, too. They are going to join the big children at Vigo Primary School. They know Vigo is a friendly and cheerful place and they have seen lots of the bigger children before, walking past happily in their grey jumpers. Still, they are a little bit nervous and they hold their mum’s hand tightly as they walk through the gate.  
They are greeted at the door by Mr Edgington, Mrs Cousins and Mrs Askwith, the Year R teachers. 

Mr Edgington is going to be Kate’s teacher and Mrs Cousins is going to be Kyle’s teacher. They all have big smiles on their faces; Mrs Hargrave and Mrs Brown, who Kate and Kyle remember are two of the LSAs, come and show them where their coat pegs are.  
‘Oh look, there’s Lucie,’ says Kate. ‘Hi Lucie,’ Kate calls out.
‘And there’s Tommy,’ chimes in Kyle. Suddenly the butterflies in their tummy disappear.

‘Come and see what we’ve got in the classroom,’ says Mrs White, another LSA, as she takes Kate to Penguin class. Mrs Brown takes Kyle down to Whale class.  
Kyle sees Tommy playing in the water, Mrs White helps him put on an apron so he can play in the water too. Kate sees something interesting and slimy on the messy table. She puts on an apron and joins the other children at the messy table.  
After a little while the teachers call their new classes to the carpet. They sing ‘twinkle, twinkle little star’. Kate and Kyle are happy because they know that song and they both join in loudly. 

The teachers then take the register, the children all have to say good morning to their teacher, Kyle finds out there is another boy in his class who is also called Kyle. The children then have to choose their lunch; Kyle chooses red but Kate and brought a packed lunch with her. 
Kate and Kyle spend their morning play, learning and making new friends. They both make new friends; Kate meets a new boy called Wiktor and Kyle meets a girl called Amy-Lou and a boy called Joe. When they play in the outside area Kate and Kyle see each other and have a quick play together on the climbing wall, then Kyle sees the bikes and Kate sees Sam building a castle in the sand pit – that looks fun so she goes and helps.  