Book Creator

Alison's Autistic Adventures and the Intervention Ziggurat Model

by Shane Richmond

Pages 4 and 5 of 16

This is Alison.
Alison has autism.
You can tell Alison has Autism because she finds social interactions with new people difficult, she reacts strongly to sensory inputs like loud noises, flashing lights or icky food. She is also really into dragons.

Like, REALLY into them. 

Did you know that Chinese Dragons don't have any ears?
Speech Bubble
But everyone who has autism is different. Some people have a lot of symptoms and some people have a few. Some people have a lot of one thing and not much of the other. 

They are a bit like superheroes. 

has a lot of
powers. He is strong, can fly, can do various things where rays come out of
his eyes, he can even blow really hard, which is not covid safe so he doesn't do it very often.
Wonder Woman is really strong. She can't fly or do the eyes things but she has a magic rope.
Batman doesn't seem to have any actual super powers but he's really fixated on bats…and revenge.
These are Alison's powers

- She doesn't like loud noises. 

- She gets on well with her classmates.

- She forgets instructions but she will
get upset if people don't follow them. 

- She remembers lots of facts
about dragons and likes
to tell her friends
about them. A lot.
Alison's teacher is giving the class a science lesson.

They will be making slime. 

Alison loves slime.
Luckily, Alison's teacher is a huge fan of the Intervention Ziggurat Model, so Alison will be able to learn about and
make the slime
with her
They will be watching a video about slime. It has a very excitable science dude from YouTube talking about how to make slime. It has a lot of noise and flashing lights in it.

Alison does not like noise or flashing lights. 
Alison's teacher knows to check for any sensory or biological issues, so when the lesson gets to the video, Alison's teacher will tell Alison to turn on her iPad and put her headphones on.  