Book Creator

8 Ft Tall


Pages 4 and 5 of 17

When he saw the monster, he immediately ran away and escaped only by a hair. When he arrived at home, his grandma was so worried. It was three hours past his curfew. She asked, “Why were you so late?”                       
Ian replied, “I saw a tall monster devouring a lady.”         
Ian's grandma turned around and immediately put newspapers in his room without explaining anything. She closed the window and set candles to get the spirits away. Ian kept asking her what had happened and she yelled,    “Shut up!”                                                                         
Ian immediately became quiet then asked, “Why are you doing this?”
She said it was because if you stare at it, you will only have three days left to live.
Ian’s face turned pale and full of fear. Later, Ian was just about to sleep, when he heard a creepy noise that sounded like thuds. Thump, thump, thump. This noise went on for one hour. When Ian woke up, the noise just stopped. After that, his grandma opened the door. She thinks that probably the monks had already trapped the monster in its temple with their magical powers.              “Kamehameha.” The monster was sucked inside a bottle and the it can’t escape from the temple anymore.