Book Creator

Free Verse Poems

by Willow Class

Pages 2 and 3 of 28

Swinging of the coats being pushed!
Crashing of the children pushing each other

Crunch, crack
Twigs break!
Daughters of Eve sons of Adam start to shiver in the freezing wind
Chalky flakes fall floating onto their glacial skin

Daughters of Eve sons of Adam gaze out to the open forest
Towering trees wave like they are greeting them!
The sky is a heavy colourless blanket
The bleached leaves wave in the crisp wind
The unpigmented leaves are eyes watching over them

Silently, they stand shocked and scared
A sweet faun hops out of the bush like a startled rabbit!
Lily B
The bright, brown wardrobe drawing them into Narnia
When they get to Narnia they feel the the soft snow on their soft feet
The snow is as dangerous as molten lava erupting from a volcano.

When they reach the burning hot lamppost
They spot a tall figure in a dark cave what was a witch
The witch ran like a cheetah out of the cave.

The witch ran away because she was scared she would be captured
They saw the witch running way in the distance
But then they saw a wizard chasing her on a silent sleigh.

Jack A