Book Creator


by Mikaia Kingi

Pages 4 and 5 of 17

.I saw him put in a pin to open the second door he walked in still dragging the dead body on the ground. I walked up to the brick wall and started pushing some bricks, but then I saw a blood stains on the brick I pushed it in then the wall slowly moved to the side, i saw a lock the blood stains told me the code but I just had to put it in order. A couple of tries later I got it, there past the door was a long hallway and at the end were two doors.
I started walking, five min later i got to the two doors they had a sign on each both signs said I am half filled with a deadly chemical if you breathe too much of me you will die.
But the only difference was one of them said
I am a cold room
The other sign said,
I am hot room

I remember from science class that if the room is hot the chemical it will rise to the top and if it is cold it will stay to the bottom of the room, I was tall so I went through the cold room I ran through the room like I was the flash, and I the door had a small window and I saw the leader of the K.I.A.I clan, he commanding to tell everyone to go in this room.
 I slowly walked towards the door that they went into my heart was pounding my body got like a wave of adrenaline, I grabbed the door handle and opened it about an inch, I peeked in and I saw my sister. She wasn't alive she was decapitated all of her body parts were hanging from the ceiling attached by a rope, her blood was dripping into a bowl in the middle of the room.
 I ran in and saw that they were doing a ritual, the devil star was on the ground and it was dark, the only light were candles but it was strange the light wasn’t orange it was a dark red and purple, and all of a sudden