Book Creator


by Caitlin Coyle


When given our Beebots we were firstly shown how to use them. The top four buttons move the Beebot forward, back, and to each side.

The play button starts the code and the pause button stops the code and the 'X' button resets the code.
We were allowed to experiment with the Beebots so that we could get to grips with how to use them.
It took some time to get used to the different commands on the Beebot as I was struggling to use the pause and the clear buttons.
For the second part of the tutorial we tried to make the Beebots move to specific locations around a place mat with a town. It took some time to figure out exactly how many times to press each button to get the Beebot to its required destination.
Use of Notation cards:
For this activity we worked in pairs and used the notation cards to tell each other what direction we have to go in.
The use of Beebots follows Bruners Constructivist theory as it follows its three stages, enactive, iconic and symbolic.

Enactive as when the pupils first start to use the Beebots they can demonstrate what they want their partner to get the Beebot to do through actions or describe the Beebots actions.

Iconic stage comes in when the pupils start using the notation cards to get their partner to follow their instructions, to make it harder they may also have them go in reverse.
The symbolic stage comes in when the teacher has the pupils start to use the Beebots for numeracy or literacy reasons, e.g. activities during class.
Ideas to incorporate Beebots into literacy:
Get a mat with the different letters and place it on the ground, then ask the children to spell a different word or their own name, then challenge the kids by spelling out your own word and asking them what it is.
Place a mat on the ground with animals or flowers or different objects on it, then ask the children to make the Beebot go to a specific one.