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Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

by Perkins, Avery

Pages 8 and 9 of 21

The above graph depicts the sources of global energy. Most of the energy usage worldwide comes from oil, coal, and natural gas. All of these are nonrenewable sources of energy and will eventually be depleted. Furthermore, all of these produce lots of greenhouse gases including carbon dioxide when they are burned for energy.
To reduce your carbon footprint in this area you can...
Energy Use
Anything which requires electricity or gas is powered with energy. There are many energy sources which fall into two categories: nonrenewable and renewable. Renewable can be replenished and examples include solar, hydro, and wind. Nonrenewable cannot be replenished and include natural gas, coal, and oil/ petroleum.
To reduce your carbon footprint in this area you can...
Reduce your total energy dependance
Use renewable energy sources to power your home, electronics, transportation, etc
Advocate for renewable energy subsidies and programs in your hometown

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