Book Creator

Parallelogram's Dilemma

by Kevin Hernandez-Rangel

Pages 10 and 11 of 37

Of all the shapes remaining in Geoville without a sport to play, this left just Parallela and Dwight. Dwight was a kite with two pairs of adjacent that were equal, but his opposite sides were not equal to each other. Here again, Mangle came to the rescue. On one of his family trips, Mangle had been to a country where kite fighting was the most popular sport in the land. Upon hearing this, Dwight ran home and started making plans for his own kite-fighting league.
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The sun was setting now and Coach Grumpylateral found Parallela and said, "Well, I'm sorry but time is up. Unless you find a sport that needs your shape by tomorrow morning, you are forever banished from Geoville." Parallela's friends pleaded for her, but she said, "No, he's right. I'm not a rectangle or a square because I don't have four right angles, and I'm not a rhombus because all of my sides are not equal length. I have two pairs of parallel sides, so I can't be a trapezoid, and according to coach, I'm not even a kite because my opposite sides are equal to each other. I guess I just wasn't meant to play sports," said Parallela.
Nowhere Left To Go
Having given up all hope, Parallela wanted to be by herself and so she walked along a path she had never walked before. Suddenly, she found herself amidst tall, abandoned building; a building that seemed just as sad and lonely as she was; a building that must not have used in decades. Inside this building, Parallela noticed one thing that stood out: an old-fashioned, perfectly preserved basketball court. The building was in disrepair but the floor was in perfect condition. When she brushed the floor clean with her hand, she was astonished at what she saw.