Book Creator

Parallelogram's Dilemma

by Kevin Hernandez-Rangel

Pages 6 and 7 of 37

The Misfit
Coach did not know of any sports that used parallelograms like Parallela, nor any that even wanted to. Parallela was always left out of all the games her friends played and this feeling became unbearable when the mean coach decided to give all unwanted shapes a final warning: if Parallela did not find a sport that needed her shape by the end of the day, she would be banished from Geoville forever.
Day turned into evening as Parallela, now under the pressure of the looming deadline, began her desperate search.
Even the most disliked and annoying student in Geoville, Pompous Rhombus, had found his calling playing second base on the baseball infield - shaped like a perfect rhombus.
Hope was dwindling, and all her geometric friends worried about her. She wondered why she just couldn't be like her best friend Mangle.
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Mangle the Rectangle
Mangle was not a good athlete. In fact, he would much rather be playing his piano with his rectangle friends, but he was a sweet guy and everybody liked him. He never wanted to be an athlete but because he had such a common shape in sports - with his four right angles and unequal adjacent sides - Coach Grumpylateral demanded that Mangle play almost every single sport.

First, there was tennis. The rectangle of the court was divided into two perfect rectangles for doubles. Mangle moved with ease through the lines of the service boxes and the baselines.

Next, he was called on to play soccer. He did enjoy being outside in the sun and on the grass of the rectangular field, with its goal and penalty areas, having unequal adjacent sides - just like his own.