Book Creator

Our European Day of Languages Book

by Десислава Бойчева


List of participating schools
1. Pavao Belas Elementary School, Croatia p. 4 - 11
2. Scuola Media Galvani - Opromolla, Italy p.12 - 13
3. Şehit Yasemin Tekin Secondary School, Turkey p.14 - 15
4. Secondary School with the study of European languages, St.Constantine-Cyril the Philosopher", Bulgaria p. 16 - 27
5. Collège Etenclin, France p. 28-29
6. Heinrich Böll School, Germany p. 30 - 31
7. Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 7, Giurgiu, Romania p. 32-41
8. Collège Terrain Fayard, Reunion Island - France p. 42 - 43
9. Dvořákovo gymnázium, Kralupy nad Vltavou-Czech Republic p. 44 - 47
10. Sebastião e Silva Secondary School -Agrupamento de Escolas São Julião da Barra, Oeiras - Portugal p. 48 - 55
11. GYMNASIO LOUTRAKIOU - Greece p. 56 - 65
12. Zespół Szkolno- Przedszkolny w
Jadownikach, Poland, p. 66 - 73
13. Primary School STO4 in Warsaw, Poland, p.76-87
The first European Day of Languages took place on 26 September 2001. Its aim was to promote cultural and linguistic diversity. On the eve of the closing event of the European Year of Languages, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe decided to declare a "European Day of Languages" to be celebrated on 26 September each year.
Council of Europe
The first European Day of Languages took place on 26 September 2001. Its aim was to promote cultural and linguistic diversity. On the eve of the closing event of the European Year of Languages, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe decided to declare a "European Day of Languages" to be celebrated on 26 September each year.
Pavao Belas Elementary School, Croatia
Elementary school "Pavao Belas" is located in Brdovec, a small place 20 km away from the Croatian capital. It was named after the parish priest Pavle Belas, who in 1854 founded the first public school in Brdovec. The school started operating in 2009. The school also includes a music school that teaches children to play 8 instruments. The school also has the status of an eTwinning school and its students are active and happy to participate in various projects. Students are offered a choice of numerous activities such as a school cooperative, sports club, journalism and drama group, environmental and creative group. Students learn German and English and computer science from the first grade. Every year, students go on an exchange with students from Germany or Hungary who are learning German.
OŠ "Pavao Belas"
OŠ "Pavao Belas" nalazi se u Brdovcu, malom mjestu udaljenom 20 km od glavnog grada Hrvatske. Ime je dobila po župniku Pavlu Belasu koji je daleke 1854. godine osnovao prvu javnu školu u Brdovcu. Škola je počela s radom 2009. godine. U sastavu škole djeluje i glazbena škola koja podučava djecu u sviranju 8 instrumenata. Škola ima status i eTwinning škole te su njezini učenici aktivni i rado sudjeluju u različitim projektima. Učenicima su na izbor ponuđene mnogobrojne aktivnosti kao školska zadruga, sportski klub, novinarska i dramska grupa, ekološka i kreativna grupa. Učenici uče njemački i engleski jezik te informatiku od prvoga razreda. Svake godine učenici odlaze na razmjenu s učenicima iz Njemačke ili Mađarske koji uče njemački jezik.

Dunja G., 8. B
The choir of our school
My city Zaprešić

Zaprešić is a town in Zagreb County, Croatia. The city has 25,000 inhabitants, with an urban area and seven municipalities have over 55,000 inhabitants. Zaprešić is the third largest and most densely populated unit in the county. It is located northwest of the Croatian capital Zagreb, near the Slovenian border. It is located on the plain north of the Sava River, and on the east it borders the mountain Medvednica and on the west with the hills of Marija Gorica. It was not formally established as a city until 1995.