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MS Excel 2016 for Beginners

by Fatimah Moore

Pages 4 and 5 of 37

Welcome Students!

This Microsoft Excel 2016 is a Step-by-Step course designed for beginners. The objective is a gradual and methodical process to build upon those learned skills and apply the new tools on the job as well as for personal use. If for work, most organizations rely on complete information to make sound decisions in all matters of affairs. With the complex amount of available data that grows on a daily basis, one needs to make sense of it. The power of Microsoft Office Excel 2016 can help you in all matters of financial, personal, and work affairs.

Excel can help you organize, calculate, analyze, revise, update, and present your data in ways that will help you and or the decision-makers come to the best decisions. It will also make these tasks much easier for you to accomplish, and in much less time.

Finally, this course aims to provide you with a foundation for Excel knowledge and skills. With these new tools, you can build upon them to eventually become an expert in data manipulation.
Welcome Students!

This Microsoft Excel 2016 is a Step-by-Step course designed for beginners. The objective is a gradual and methodical process to build upon those learned skills and apply the new tools on the job as well as for personal use. If for work, most organizations rely on complete information to make sound decisions in all matters of affairs. With the complex amount of available data that grows on a daily basis, one needs to make sense of it. The power of Microsoft Office Excel 2016 can help you in all matters of financial, personal, and work affairs.

Excel can help you organize, calculate, analyze, revise, update, and present your data in ways that will help you and or the decision-makers come to the best decisions. It will also make these tasks much easier for you to accomplish, and in much less time.

Finally, this course aims to provide you with a foundation for Excel knowledge and skills. With these new tools, you can build upon them to eventually become an expert in data manipulation.