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MS Excel 2016 for Beginners

by Fatimah Moore

Pages 8 and 9 of 21

Acrynous Course. This class is an asynchronous course. All instructions will be delivered through this portal.

Office Hours. Office hours are Mon - Thur (1 to 3 pm) via the zoom link. If you require a special time please email me. I will do my best to accommodate.

Contact via email. Please send an email with questions you may have. I should respond at my earliest convenience, usually within the same day. If you prefer to have your reply come to your personal email, please cc both your personal and school email.

Group Collaboration. A Student Discussion Forum (SDF) will be available for students to interact with each other. This SDF is provided for you to ask questions, provide information, and collaborate with each other. 
This SDF is different from the Discussion forum where you will be submitting assignments. This is also an opportunity for students to take advantage of a community of interacting with their fellow online students.

Zoom Conference. There will also be a required zoom meeting with each student twice during the course.  The date and time will be provided at a future date.

Breakout Sessions. Teams are chosen to collaborate throughout the semester. These teams will work on scenario-based problems. Each student in each group will have a separate role in solving the scenario. Your online meetings will happen via zoom link. These exercises will be used in your final grade.

Course Netiquette. Netiquette document
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Structure and Format
Acrynous Course. This class is an asynchronous course. All instructions will be delivered through this portal.

Office Hours. Office hours are Mon - Thur (1 to 3 pm) via the zoom link. If you require a special time please email me. I will do my best to accommodate.

Contact via email. Please send an email with questions you may have. I should respond at my earliest convenience, usually within the same day. If you prefer to have your reply come to your personal email, please cc both your personal and school email.

Group Collaboration. A Student Discussion Forum (SDF) will be available for students to interact with each other. This SDF is provided for you to ask questions, provide information, and collaborate with each other. 
This SDF is different from the Discussion forum where you will be submitting assignments. This is also an opportunity for students to take advantage of a community of interacting with their fellow online students.

Zoom Conference. There will also be a required zoom meeting with each student twice during the course.  The date and time will be provided at a future date.

Breakout Sessions. Teams are chosen to collaborate throughout the semester. These teams will work on scenario-based problems. Each student in each group will have a separate role in solving the scenario. Your online meetings will happen via zoom link. These exercises will be used in your final grade.

Course Netiquette. Netiquette document
Structure and Format

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