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Managing Healthcare Data

by Fatimah Moore

Pages 4 and 5 of 8

Managing HealthCare Data
Microsoft Excel for Beginners
Understanding how to manage patient data
Lesson Objectives
Getting Started with Microsoft Excel
In this course you will:
1. Navigate the Excel user interface
2. Use Excel commands
3. Create and save a basic workbook
4. Enter cell data
5. Use Excel Help.
Excel Elements
Title Bar Displays the workbook file name

Ribbon Provides you access to the most commonly used commands for
working with Excel workbooks and worksheets.

Formula Bar Displays the contents of the currently selected cell in a worksheet.

Column Identify each separate column with a unique letter of letter
Header combination.

Row Identify each separate row with a unique number.

Cells The cell is where you enter data

New Sheet Is where you can add additional worksheets
As we navigate this course think about the importance of data and healthcare for the future. Please click the following link:
Create and save a basic workbook
Please view the 3-minute video on steps to saving your excel workbook file.
Open Excel and Enter the information from the example below using column and row data only. This lesson will teach you the following:

1. Create and Save a Basic Workbook
2. Enter Cell Data
Activity 1-2 - Using Excel Commands


You are now familiar with the overall general layout of the Excel environment. You'd like to focus on discovering where some of the commonly used commands are. You decide to use screen tips to help you begin to identify some of the commands you've been wondering about. You also want to look over one or two of the dialog boxes to see what commands are available there.

1. Use screen tips to identify common commands.
a) Ensure the HOME tab is selected.
b) In the Font group, point the mouse pointer at several
of the commands to view their screen tips.
c) Do the same for several commands in each of the other groups.

2. Examine the commands in a dialog box.
a) Select the HOME tab.
b) In the Font group, select the dialog box launcher.
c) Verify that the Format Cells dialog box is opened.

3. Add data to a cell.
a) Select cell C12
b) Type And day after and press Enter
c) In cell C13, type Consider NY's Eve and press Enter

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