Book Creator

eTwinning project "eTwinning schools celebrate together"

by Nicoletta Forestiere

Pages 2 and 3 of 19

About the project
This project will last from the end of October till the beginning of May 2023. It includes the topics which are interesting to pupils aged 11-12, such as introducing themselves, talking about their town and school life, their house and family, their possessions and daily routine, according to the curriculum, using different web tools. It also aims to share and spread the holiday spirit as pupils will also create handmade Christmas and Easter cards and send them via post to the peers of their partner schools. Every postcard will include wishes in English as well as in their mother tongue. Each team will also create presentations on Christmas and Easter celebrations in their home country (religious services, house and town decorations, traditional dishes, school and local events, traditional songs, etc.). They will also discover and present special celebrations from the other countries. Finally, they will collaborate to create a common presentation with traditional recipes.
Expected results

All the activities have been designed to...

- enhance the students’ intrinsic motivation to learn;
- broaden the students’ cultural awareness;
- develop communicative and language skills;
- become familiar with digital tools;
- learn about copyright and online safety;
- expand on their creativity
- enjoy the holiday spirit.