Book Creator

Why Waste?

by Zoë Ogilvie

Pages 2 and 3 of 16

Meet Garvita Gulhati, a young changemaker from India, helping students in her high school see that age is not a limit to solving problems you care about. At age 15, she did just that. . . 
A changemaker is a person who desires change in the world, and by gathering knowledge and resources, makes that change happen!
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What is a changemaker?
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After a severe drought in India she started “Why Waste?,” an organization educating citizens about creative ways to reduce water waste. Over 100 million children in homes across India did not have access to water.
Where is India?
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She started with restaurants, where fourteen million gallons of water are wasted per year in India. Garvita started the #GlassHalfFull movement to negate this water waste. 

Through this initiative Garvita has been able to change the mindsets of over 500,000 restaurants, 800 schools, and 2.5 million people. While also saving over 5 million liters of water from being wasted.
Garvita could not have done it without the help of her friends and allies. She made sure that collaborative leadership was a structure of her team and that everyone was a leader to help inspire a bigger movement. 