Book Creator

The Storm

by Nihal

Pages 2 and 3 of 9

The storm
Suddenly , the sky was eaten up by the darkness. Something arose from the darkness , a beast , taller than a skyscraper. Like pocket knife tearing the gloomy sky apart , the lightning dangerously burst out of nowhere.
The lightning shattered the ancient , rusty shed like a hammer ; it burst into microscope pieces of wood. The hail came crashing down like bullets. The storms anger grew , the poor children were helpless and terrified.
Suddenly , the sky was eaten up by the darkness. Something arose from the darkness , a beast , taller than a skyscraper. Like pocket knife tearing the gloomy sky apart , the lightning dangerously burst out of nowhere.
The lightning shattered the ancient , rusty shed like a hammer ; it burst into microscope pieces of wood. The hail came crashing down like bullets. The storms anger grew , the poor children were helpless and terrified.
the wind grew weaker and weaker. All of sudden everything stopped , an awkward silence occurred . The storm weaned as if the it was slain . We found buildings had fallen cars were destroyed. The great storm strike.
no one new when it will come again but , every hoped it will not come back.
the wind grew weaker and weaker. All of sudden everything stopped , an awkward silence occurred . The storm weaned as if the it was slain . We found buildings had fallen cars were destroyed. The great storm strike.
no one new when it will come again but , every hoped it will not come back.

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