Book Creator

Getting Started with Digital Activities

by Donna Golightly

Pages 2 and 3 of 22

Getting started with digital activities...
Just Breathe
Thought Bubble
Breathe Bob Marley GIF
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What's the purpose of this book?
Over the last few years I have come across many awesome educators who really want to use digital devices with their students, but they just don't know where to start.

They either don't have the skills or they don't have the confidence. Or sometimes it's that they just don't know what they don't know.

This got me thinking.

How might I provide a resource that could help these teachers take small steps on their journey and find some helpful tips and tricks, or strategies, that might just inspire and support them to integrate meaningful, authentic and relevant digital activities into their classroom program?

I consulted Twitter (such a fabulous PLN) and spoke to many educators.

The result is BREATHE.

When something is new, or you are struggling with life - we all need to do is just BREATHE.
(Where you see this symbol, click on the image to access the link.)
Comic Panel 1
The power of breathing...
Contents page
Our learners need very specific instructions when they are learning with a Chromebook.
Be sure yourself of what the steps are that need to be followed and then be specific, giving them one step at a time.
If they are very new to Chromebooks it might be the first step is simply to log in.
You might need to teach them:
šŸ’”how to carry the Chromebook
šŸ’”how to open it carefully
šŸ’”where the full stop is on the keyboard
šŸ’”how to use two hands on the keyboard
šŸ’”how to tap the keys correctly
All learners benefit from routines, no matter what the subject.
Establish the routines you want for your clasroom, then be firm and consistent with them.

You might have routines such as:
šŸ’”one person at a time getting a chromebook out
šŸ’”the chromebook needs to always be on the table
šŸ’”learners are given one instruction to do it then they put their screens at 45 degrees
šŸ’”when screens are at 45, hands are always off the keyboard
šŸ’”always use two hands on the keyboard
Good habits are important for our learners, regardless of whether they are working digitally or not.
An important habit is to use two hands on a keyboard. Personally I don't think it matters which fingers they are using on which keys (You might have other ideas - and that's ok) but using both sides of the brain is the aim.
Encourage them to use their right hand on the right side keys and their left hand on the left side keys.
You could extend this idea by using some of the activities included to help develop typing skills.
All too often, when we are feeling overwhelmed and unsure about trying something new, we don't feel comfortable or confident enough to ask for help. However, this is exactly the time we need to reach out.
I love the quote, "Do the best you can until you know better, then do better."
If we ask for help we can do better than we did before.
Find that colleague you feel safe confiding in, reach out to your PLN - they are always there to help, and don't forget your learners. You can always ask them too!
We all started somewhere. The more we ask, they more we know. The more we know, the more we can do. šŸ˜