Book Creator

Covid Photo Essay

by Ryder Oliver-Green

Pages 4 and 5 of 14

Sunshine Falls Ln
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News That Touched Billions
It seemed like it has been years since I first read that news headline. To be honest, it didn’t seem that bad at the start. A number of cases were in Wuhan and there was only about one or two in the U.S.A. Although, everything changed quickly. In the matter of weeks, borders where shut down and we were required to stay in our homes. The idea of self isolation sounded fine for a little while, but when we heard that schools were closed down, and weren’t planning on re-opening for the remainder of the school year, my opinion began to sway. Before online classes started, the weeks at home were a lot about finding things to do that would keep me from getting down or sad. I later found that as a rural community, we all had unique ways of staying mentally fit throughout isolation.