Book Creator

Wangari_ITA ENG

by Fatima Manhoor


Wangari Muta Maathai
Fatima Manhoor
Wangari nasce in Kenia. 

Wangari was born in Kenya.

In quel periodo le bambine non possono andare a scuola, quindi suo fratello maggiore persuade i suoi genitori a lasciarla andare a scuola.

In that period the girls were not allowed to go to school therefore his elder brother insisted his parents let her go to school.
Wangari è la prima donna africana a laurearsi, era così brava che gli Stati Uniti la invitano a studiare e vince una borsa di studio.

Wangari is the first graduated african woman, she was so intelligent that the United States invited her to study and also she won a scholarship.
Quando ritorna in Kenia, il suo Paese era cambiato. Non c'erano più alberi.

When she returned to Kenya , her country was completely changed. There were no trees.
Decide di piantare i nuovi alberi con le altre donne.

She decided to plant new trees with the help of other women.
