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history cell phone

by Felipe A y Santiago Jimenez

Pages 2 and 3 of 5

Mobile phone history

Cell phones have radically transformed society.
In those principles of mobile telephony, the response of consumers was not entirely satisfactory. This was mainly due to the exaggerated size and weight of the first cell phone equipment and, of course, to the high value of the devices, which were beyond the economic. 

Martin cooper in 1973 made the first call from his prototype cell phone.
In 1982, the first cell phones were launched on the market.
The first mobile phone was very heavy, its battery lasted 20 minutes to talk and 8 hours on only.
Generation 1G
First great advance technological cell phone because it could be moved with your communication team.

Generation 2G
More technology was incorporated to improve communications mobiles, voice communication improved considerably.
Generation 3G
With the advent of the Third Generation, the result of research to increase data transmission and reception capacity, in addition to obtaining a better degree of security in communications, the possibility of connecting to the Internet appeared, with all the advantages that its use provides to users.

The third generation was enough at that time?
Was cellular technology successful at the time?

The answer is it was done 
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