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Homework Help for Supercharged Grades

by Miss Morris

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Mintlaw Academy Modern Languages Faculty presents ...
Homework Help for supercharged grades ... tips for pupils!
As a Faculty we know that knowing what to study and how to study can be really difficult – especially in a world that’s full of exciting distractions and new technology. However, research has proved that by breaking a large task down and tackling it in small steps/portions/tasks, it makes the big task more manageable and we are more likely to succeed!
Therefore, taking our time to develop good habits of how to tackle overwhelming tasks, like studying for final exams, is incredibly important. In the article that follows, Lucy Parsons gives out some great tips about making Mini Study habits that can really have a big impact on your marks! 
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7 Powerful Mini Study Habits to Supercharge Your Grades
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1) Do five minutes of revision every day
5 Minute Revision Challenge. The intention behind this challenge was to create a mini revision habit that would help you learn the course content months ahead of exam season and get you experimenting with revision techniques so you find out what worked for you!
You should create a revision habit that will serve you well as you approach your exams.
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2) Read through a page of class notes at the end of each day
This is a form of revision. Reading through your class notes at the end of every day will: 
Start fixing your class learning in your mind 
Show you if there's anything you don't fully understand 
Show you where you might have gaps in your work 
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You can then take steps to get a full understanding or fill in the gaps. This means you won't be scrabbling around in exam season trying to understand things for the first time. Instead, you'll be able to focus on learning it and practicing your exam technique
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3) Write down your homework at the end of each lesson 
This is the most important first step you can take towards getting your target grades, staying organised and meeting your deadlines. It's fundamental to getting good grades. If you're not already doing this, don't skip it! 
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4) Self-monitor your learning
When you're revising, taking notes, reading, watching an educational video or doing any other study task you should always be asking yourself ‘Is this learning experience working for me?'. 
This is essential if you're going to learn successfully and efficiently. There is no point in carrying on revising in a certain way if it doesn't help you to remember. There is no point in carrying on reading a text if your brain is too tired and needs a ten minute break. 
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Aim to ask yourself ‘Is this learning experience working for me?' once per day and adjust yourself according to the answer. If you ask yourself the question more often – well done you! 
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