Book Creator

About me

by Natalia Stănescu

Pages 2 and 3 of 17

About Myself
Hi, My name is Natalia, Im 15 years old, and i will present a few things about me.
First of all, my hobbies. I really enjoy reading, it s one of my favorite things to do.
And this are my friends. They are really great
And this is my family. I love them all and I couldn`t be here if they didn`t support me.
This is my school. I love seeing my friends here everyday.
Here are one of my favourite artists
The Neighbourhood- i discovered this band a few years ago and it became one of the greatest bands for me
Arctic Monkeys -They are an indie-rock band,Their songs are amazing
Conan Gray- His music is great and i really like listening to him
And that was all about me.
Thank you for your attention :)