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The Middle Colonies

by Dylan Yule


Brotherhood Love
Rounded Rectangle
Middle Colonies
By: Dylan. Y
Reason for Founding
King Charles attacked the Dutch to give his brother ,The Duke of York, land in the new world for his birthday.
The English needed new trade roughs and moved for religious freedom.
William Penn started Pennsylvania for Quaker religious freedom.
In the middle colonies we have wonderful snowy winters, and perfect hot summers.
We also have long growing seasons. Along with our natural resources including Iron, copper, and our really good soil.
The middle colonies also have deep harbors and rivers
In the middle you can make money many ways including farming, mining, lumberman, or sailers.
You can also make money being a trapper or merchant.
In Pennsylvania we have beautiful mild winters, and perfect mild summers.
It’s so easy to move to Pennsylvania. Once you find a plot of land all of your neighbors will stop what the are doing to help you build.
In Pennsylvania everybody is treated equally. No matter what religion you are.
Why would you go to the northern colonies? They have there harsh cold winters and short growing seasons. They also have rock soil making it hard to grow crops. This is not the place to go.
Here is the place to go!
Why go to the southern colonies? They have their annoying mosquitoes and swampy climate hard to build houses on.