Book Creator

Team 1

by LostFound in Pandemia eTwinning

Pages 2 and 3 of 14

25th of March 2020.
                I, Alyssa Brown, was comfortably seated on a sofa sipping a delicious cup of coffee. I was catching up with an old friend from high school at a new coffee shop in downtown Toronto. Time sure did fly; it had been 8 years since I last saw him. We were talking about our college life before shifting to our work.
« Earlier today, I turned in a news report for my director. And guess what? » I asked in frustration.
«Right after inspecting it, he said that journalism was not best suited for me! Isn’t he rude? » I answered as steam rose from my head.
«Wow, he really got strait to the point. » he laughed.
« Hey! This isn’t funny, and I now have to write it yet again, for the ninth time! » I added. He was at lost for words. He made a complicated expression as he did his best to keep himself from laughing.
« At least, did he explain why? » he hesitantly asked after an awkward silence.
« Of course he did, my writing is apparently as dull as dishwater. » I mumbled.
« Seeing you throwing a tantrum is as entertaining as before… Err… That aside, have you ever thought about taking a break to travel? » he suggested.
« I heard that it can help you to broaden your mind. Your writing may become more exciting if you experience new things. » he continued.
« ‘Right… » I muttered to myself. His advice was for me a bright candle illuminating an unknown path. I was thrilled. My resolve built up overnight and the next day, my superior received a sudden letter of absence, mine.

       This was how my journey begun.
Chapter 1 - Alyssa Brown in Czech Republic
One day I decided to visit my friend Jan, who lives in Czech Republic. This country has a long and teriffic history, lots of famous monuments and beautiful nature. Czech is nicknamed as "The heart of Europe". The capital city is constantly Prague.
I landed at the airport in Prague. When I have got to the center, I saw people looking young, happy and healthy. Prague is even nicer than at the pictures I saw on the internet. I went to see Wenceslas Square, where is a statue of St. Wenceslas on horse. There were still a lot of tourists as in 2020 before the corona crisis. 
The country is so different from Canada. I went to Charles Bridge. My friend Jan was waiting for me there, i saw him for the first time in my life. It was beautiful feeling. We talked about culture, school, holidays and about a typical meal.
In the picture you can see is a roasted duck with cabbage and potato dumplings. Sometimes a bread dumpling is added to this.

I also had this food for lunch, I tell Jan: « It looks weird » he just: « It's a good try it» .
My friend told me a lots of things about this country. Since 2020 many changes happened. For a first time in a history of Czech republic is the president a woman. I noticed that people are so nice here. For the time being, everyone I met was so kind!
When we took a walk around Prague, I was really shocked (in good). There was so many glorious sightseeings. The whole town looked well-preserved.
The most fascinating were all those modern buildings among the old ones. Prague is like a "mix of modern and antiquity".
I really wanted to know what is it like to live in Czech republic. My friend Jan is very nice, he told me everything!

« As you know, Czech people are so conservative. Livestyle did not really changed since pandemia in 2020. People just started to more care about an enviroment and their health. There are strict measures everywhere, for example thermal cameras and disinfection all about you. » he told me.
« I can see that nobody wears a face mask or a gloves. Aren´t you afraid of new pandemic creation? »
« Do not worry Alyssa, if anything like this happends, goverment is ready to deal with it.« answered he with a cool head. The healthcare in Czech Republic is on a high standard.
I learned, that school system in Czech has a super modern things. Student do not really have to go to school. They just can send a "robot" (what is a screen on wheels) to be in their class, meanwhile they are at home! Of course, they have to be present.
I very enjoyed this visit. I am sure this was not my last being in Czech Republic.
● italian friend of Alyssa=MARCO (M)
● girl that goes to Italy from Canada =ALYSSA (A)
● (M) Hi Alyssa! how did your trip go?
● (A)hi Marco !! it went well! the teleportation was very handy
● (M)I’m happy to see you, let’s have a look around and tell me what you want to see
● (A)I can't wait!!!!
● (M)In Milan, one of the nicest things is the square: there's a lot of screen that show other places in the world: Madrid,Berlin and other cities, and there's no war,everyone is united and peaceful.
● (A) It’s beautiful
● (M) There you can see the train station, they’ve redone it and they have taken away the old trains
● (A)let’s try it. Let’s go to Rome
● (M)good idea, i’ll buy the tickets and in 30 minutes we will be in rome
● (A)great