Book Creator

The big Deeper

by Lycée du Coudon


Comic Panel 1
The Big Deeper
By Secondes 1 and 2
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Comic Panel 1
Part I
Once upon a time there was an old wizard whose name was Mr Europe. He was a brilliant scientist
who had created seven stars in order to keep peace in the world. The stars each had a color of the rainbow.
Each star had a name:
The first star was called Dubhe and held up pollution in the world.
The second star was called Merak and held up deforestation in the world.
The third star was called Phecda and held up violence in the world.
The fourth star was called Megrez and held up hunger in the world.
The fifth star was called Alioth and held up inequality in the world.
The sixth star was called Mizard and held up the lack of education of the world.
The seventh star was called Alkaid and held up poverty in the world.
Different countries were the stars’ guardians, they needed to protect the stars to keep peace in the world.
Indeed, without the stars the world would be a disaster. The different countries were the United-Kingdom,
France, Italy, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands and Luxembourg for the moment.
Every five years, the wizard had to take out the jar that contained the stars so they could suck out all the
world's pain. They were made with the sun's light and moon's dust. The jar was situated in his laboratory.
However, the lab was infested with rats so he designed a cat with three heads so that the cat could easily eat
the rats. The place was extremely dusty and in the back of the room there was a magical chest. The only way
to open it was to use the wizard’s fingerprint.
The wizard had a brother who used to be extremely jealous. He was the oldest and thought his parents
would give their powers to him, but his parents gave them to Europe instead as he was more polite and
hardworking than the jealous brother. This year was different as it was up to him now to give away his
powers: in fact he decided to give them to his son.
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Part II
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1. Es war der große Tag. All die Hexen und Zauberer waren hier, um diesem besonderen Moment beizuwohnen. Diese Übergabe fand in einer idyllischen und großartigen Umgebung mit wunderschönen Dekorationen statt. Die ganze Bevölkerung war eingeladen und alle Blicke waren auf Europe und seinen Sohn gerichtet. Der Sohn, Arthur, war total im Stress, aber trotzdem war er glücklich: er sah nämlich wie stolz sein Vater auf ihn war.
2. Endlich kam der lang ersehnte Moment, alle waren unruhig und die Zeremonie fing an. Arthur fiel auf die Knie, als Europe ihm sein Zepter übergab.
3.  Auf einmal ereignete sich ein blendendes Sternenlicht, das aus dem Turm kam. Europe hätte dieses Licht überall erkannt, denn es war das Licht der 7 Sterne! Die Zuschauer waren sehr erschrocken.
Arthur und Europe liefen also zum Turm. Dort angekommen sah Europe, was er gefürchtet hatte: Wilfried, der Zwillingsbruder von Europe hatte den Safe, welcher die 7 Sterne enthielt, geöffnet. Wilfried hatte nämlich denselben Fingerabdruck als sein Bruder.
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4. In weniger als einer Minute kehrte das Chaos in die Welt zurück.
Alles Böse verbreitete sich: Gewalt, Luftverschmutzung, Armut und andere schlimme Dinge wimmelten in der Welt.
5. Wilfried hatte das gemacht, um sich an seinem Bruder
Europe und dessen Sohn Arthur zu rächen. Er dachte, dass, wenn er unglücklich sei, auch alle anderen Menschen unglücklich sein müssten. Als sich die 3 Männer gegenüberstanden, löste sich Wilfried in die Luft auf und ließ Europe und Arthur mit dem Chaos um sie herum.