Book Creator

Children's crafts from secondary raw materials

by aušra

Pages 5 and 6 of 29

Children's crafts from secondary raw materials
Art kindergarten "Etiudas" Kaunas, Lithuania
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In kindergarten, children are taught to sort waste, be responsible consumers and protect the environment. In the summer, during the holidays, children spend a lot of time with their parents. At home, children not only play, but also learn to sort various waste: paper, glass, plastic. Parents teach children to revive things for a second life, to make various things from secondary raw materials. The parents gladly agreed to share with the teacher their video material about the creative process from secondary raw materials
Austėja creates from a cardboard egg case
Austėja creates from a plastic bottle
Austėja uses cardboard rolls of toilet paper for her work
Two brothers, Rapol and Justas, use old, no longer needed cardboard boxes to create a train