Book Creator

SDG 9 in European Literature

by dajana jelavic


SDG 9 in European Literature
SDG 9 Industry, innovation, infrastructure

"Ragman and His Sons" is a novel written by Orhan Kemal . It's about the positive and negative effects of industrial developments in the city life.
NEDJELJKO FABRIO:Vježbanje života
Ovaj povijesni roman prikazuje nastanak jednoga golemog industrijskog i lučkoga središta, hrvatskoga grada Rijeke.
Priča je to o inovacijama, razvoju industrije i infrastrukture, ali i o egzistencijalnoj drami obitelji koja se nalazi u samome središtu složenih povijesnih procesa.

This historical novel shows the emergence of a huge industrial and port center, the Croatian city of Rijeka. It is a story of innovation, the development of industry and infrastructure, but also of the existential drama of a family at the heart of complex historical processes.

On March 27, 2006, Stanisław Lem died one of the greatest science-fiction writers in the world, philosopher, futurologist and critic. He is the most frequently translated Polish author - his books have been published in over 40 languages. He was extremely valued not only in Poland, but also abroad. His books have sold over 30 million copies Some of the fans and connoisseurs of Lem's literature claim that he was a brilliant clairvoyant. Many of his texts can be regarded as a forecast for the future, especially in terms of technology development. So what did Lem manage to predict?