Book Creator

SDG 10 in European Literature

by dajana jelavic

Pages 2 and 3 of 17

SDG 10 in European Literature
SDG 10


-Saad Saad, which means in Arabic Hope Hope and English Sad Sad. Saad wants to leave Baghdad and his chaos, to win Europe, freedom, a future.

SDG 10: Reduce Inequalities

Mika and Kosmas. Two people of different eras, trying to take root in America. Kosmas chose to study in America at the end of the 20th century and then married an American woman, working as a researcher in an investment firm. He is looking for traces of Mika, a Greek woman from Smyrna found in America after the disaster, died poor, but economic circumstances made her rich after her death. Half a century separates them, but dreams and hopes are the same. The shares are joined by them. Mika bought shares at the instigation of her Irish mate chasing the American dream. The economic crash of 1929 and the difficulties of World War II led to adventures and troubles. She believed that the shares would change her life. So does Cosmas, who was looking for an opportunity to succeed. A novel that tries to talk about the loneliness and the dilemmas of immigrants. A novel about hopes and disappointments. A novel that looks for the wounds that often hide behind successful dreams. A book about the Greek diaspora and the dreams of every immigrant.
Turkey Bursa Muradiye High School
SDG 10 Reduced Inequalities
"The Death of the Big Ox" is a short story written by Samim Kocagöz. It's about the income inequality and exploitation of the human labour.