Book Creator

SDG 17 in European Literature

by dajana jelavic


SDG 17 in European Literature

Miranda Vatikioti, The blue socks gang

This book is called the Blue Socks Gang, although the protagonists do not wear blue socks, as they say.

It's about a team and their adventures and problem solving.

Their leader is a girl, Rosa, and members of various friends and classmates, who have a common goal: to discover the wrong and fix it, to solve mysteries, to identify culprits and truths, and to intervene in things in an original and exemplary way. The adventures they live, the solutions they give, the way they involve adults - parents, teachers, etc. - They are full of anxiety, interest, originality and teamwork.
SDG 17, SDG 6

Once upon a time, a small drop, Stigmoula (the little moment), saw a very strange village from above! There was no water at all in this village, the children were sad and everything was dusty. Stigmula determined to help bring a smile back to people's faces but help will be needed. It's the time that she will discover that the power that exists within each of us becomes much greater when it is united with the power of others.
A fairy tale about teamwork and the inexhaustible power that we all hide inside.
Ensemble, c'est tout. (A novel by Anna Gavalda) 

Camille dessine. Dessinait plutôt, maintenant elle fait des ménages, la nuit. Philibert, aristo pur jus, héberge Franck, cuisinier de son état, dont l'existence tourne autour des filles, de la moto et de Paulette, sa grand-mère.
Paulette vit seule, tombe beaucoup et cache ses bleus, paniquée à l'idée de mourir loin de son jardin. Ces quatre là n'auraient jamais dû se rencontrer. Trop perdus, trop seuls, trop cabossés... Et pourtant, le destin, ou bien la vie, le hasard, l'amour - appelez ça comme vous voulez -, va se charger de les bousculer un peu. Leur histoire, c'est la théorie des dominos, mais à l'envers. Au lieu de se faire tomber, ils s'aident à se relever.

Hunting and Gathering is a 2004 novel by the French writer Anna Gavalda. Its original French title is Ensemble, c'est tout, which means "Together, that's everything". The narrative follows an anorexic young woman who struggles with the neuroses, both of her own and of people around her. The book was adapted into a 2007 film with the same title, directed by Claude Berri.